EOZY is an e-commerce website registered in Yiwu, China, which sells jewellery beads, findings and accessories to customers all over the world from the warehouse in Yiwu, China.
The company was founded in 2004 in Shanghai, China and offers products through its website, eozy.com. It was incorporated in November 2006. They currently employ more than 100 people. EOZY is a professional wholesale website in China which sells products at a international level, and could be described as a reseller.
EOZY sells a wide range of unbranded jewelry products manufactured in China, including jewellery beads in different material, jewellery findings to make jewellery, jewellery accessories, jewellery wire and so on.
Business model and shipping method
EOZY sources products from the local factories and holds them in the warehouse and resells the products.
EOZY then ships the products out using many international express companies.
2004- EOZY started trading on eBay.
2008- EOZY started trading in Shanghai.
2011- EOZY branched into Yiwu and that location was made into the headquarters.
2012- EOZY set up their website.
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