
Created in early 1996 by young entrepreneur Andrew Adams, CedarSoft Technologies, Inc. (CedarSoft) began distributing computer parts and pre-assembled systems based on the IBM compatible/"clone" markets beginning to gain popularity. The company gained management support from past Lucent executives and in the fall of 1996, launched what was bragged to be the first customizable computer website on the internet, a model later popularized by Dell Computer Corp.
At the height of popularity, the company was shipping only US$5 million worth of computer goods, mostly by internet sale. Distributors with closer ties to manufacturing and capital quickly took the spotlight, eventually overshadowing many small firms attempting competition (Dell Computer Corp sold US$60 Billion in 2005).
Although CedarSoft enjoyed a small but loyal fan base, sales began decreasing from 2000-2003, at which time it was acquired by a similar but more successful Alienware computer corp, which was (ironically) acquired by Dell Computer Corp. in early 2006.
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