Castle Age

Castle Age is the Facebook-based game developed by Phoenix Age. It is primarily HTML-based and is only real-time for stats regeneration and battle, monster or raid time countdown.
It has following game plays.
The mission section is named "Quest". It has following sub quests:
* Land of Fire
* Land of Earth
* Land of Mist
* Land of Water
* Demon Realm
* Undead Realm
* Underworld
* Heaven
* Ivory City
* Earth II
* Water II
* Mist II
Sub Quests
The level of completion of mission
* Level 1: Green
* Level 2: Bronze
* Level 3: Silver
* Level 4: Gold
Demi Quest
It is similar to quest, but they fall under five Demi powers namely:
* Ambrosia
* Malekus
* Corvintheus
* Aurora
* Azeron
It is underwater mission of Castle Age game.
There are two styles of battling: Invading and Dueling.
Every time one fights a battle and win, he earns Battle Points. The amount that one earn depends on what his Battle Rank is, and the Battle Rank of the opponent. If both of duelists are at the same rank, one will earn 10 battle points for winning. If one have one rank higher than the opponent, he will win 8 battle points. If one is two ranks higher, he will earn 6. Etc. If you is one rank below his opponent, he will earn 12 battle points. If duelist is two ranks below his opponent, he will earn 14 battle points. Etc. If duelist lose the battle however, he lose half the battle points he could have won. So if duelist are both the same rank, instead of winning 10 battle points, he lose 5.
The game offers a brief tutorial on battling on the "Training Grounds".
Battling can also unlock Achievements.
Battle rank is a ranking based on Battles won or lost.
Raids are multi-part battles that are fought with friends. The Raid party must defeat all enemies or complete all objectives at a checkpoint before advancing to the next checkpoint. The number of adversaries remaining at a checkpoint is displayed within the mini-map.
Available only to players at lvl 95 or higher, War is a 10 point duel attack where your War Council is pitted against the opponents War Council. The War Councils are made up of 7 of the Generals, including player if he desire. Each general wields a set of armor giving them a certain level of bonus and are paired off against your opponents generals. The player with the higher number of points from winning fights wins the war and earns War Points. War Points, function similar to Battle Points and earn player War Rank and rewards.
One of the interesting aspects of Castle Age is the ability to fight monsters. Monsters are epic battles with heroes gone bad, dragons, sea serpents, and various other creatures. These battles can take place over multiple days with many different players attacking the same target.
Here players exchange requisite set of items in exchange of Alchemy items
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