Casey Kaiser

Casey Alexander Sean Kaiser
Son of Edward Kaiser-Schade of Hewlett Packard and Laura Kaiser former Consulate General in Munich Germany, born on January 1, 1987 in Tulsa Oklahoma. Raised in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Attended The Colorado Springs School until continuing on to high school at Air Academy High School. He then attended the University of Denver where he obtained his bachelor of arts degree in Communication, he furthered his education to the University of Colorado Boulder where he got his Masters in Business Administration.
After education he started to work as a media relations agent for the Department of Energy in Golden, Colorado. Following that he worked as a Public Relations Assistant Director with mega energy company Xcel Energy in Denver, Colorado. Following Xcel he went to work for printing press owner and billionaire Glen Taylor. He was Director of Public Relations for his private empire Taylor Corporation.
Not satisfied with obtaining positions based off family tied Casey took a highly coveted position with Vogue Magazine, as Director of Internal Affairs. Casey's business skills ended up leading him home to Denver, where he took on the role of President of 5280 Publications, running Travel & Leisure, 5280 Magazine, and recently Seattle Magazine. He was mentored at 5280 by American Business man and billionaire Charles Ergen.
Casey is the Nephew to American Billionaire George Kaiser. His uncle and family started American health insurance Giant Kaiser Permanente, also the owner and Chairman of the Bank of Oklahoma, making him the 52nd richest person on earth according to Forbes Magazine. With the passing of George Kaiser's three children it leaves Casey as the sole air to the Kaiser Family Trust.
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