Cal Con

CalCon, the Calgary Games Convention is the oldest and youngest games convention in Western Canada, as an added bonus we're also the largest. Originally our roots could trace back to 1983 when the University of Calgary Dungeons and Dragons Club put on the AD&D™ Club Tournament and Gaming Extravaganza. Many of those people are with us again. The original CalCon grew out of that, as did many other things.
Back then the Calgary Gaming Convention in 1986 (CalCon I) still focused on AD&D™, and role-playing games are still a venerable staple and continue to be a major part of the Calgary Games Convention. Over the years CalCon grew and shrunk, zigged and zagged, faded a decade later, and suddenly people became nostalgic and here it is once more- reborn with new life, welcome back to your games convention.
The Calgary Games Convention (CalCon), is Western Canada's annual convention for games of all sorts. We are focused on a variety of games and tournaments, including Board & Miniatures games, Role-Playing & Live-Action games, Cards & Collectable games, Computer & Console games, and so much more! Not only will you be able to play classic and recent games, you'll also see unreleased games and demos, not to mention meeting some of Canada's interesting game designers and play-testing their newest projects.
More than that, we also plan on bringing more of the social aspect to CalCon, some of us only get to see each other once a year, that being the case it should be an explosive and memorable event- and it will be! We'll of course have our ConSuite to relax in, a Medieval Feast, Masquerade, Costume Contest, Theatre, Panels, Workshops, and so much more.
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