Brick Engine

The Brick Engine is a free software, cross-platform, 2D video game engine. The Brick Engine is a unique project for its goals: to be simple, extensible via scripting languages, and to be portable to a wide variety of hardware. The Brick Engine is written in ANSI C and has a minimal set of dependencies. The latest stable release, v5.3, is out as of February 19, 2011.
The Brick Engine is also endian-clean and alignment-clean (all memory accesses are guaranteed to fall on dword boundaries) and has been built and run on Intel, ARM, and PPC platforms. On processor architectures that support MMX instructions, the Brick Engine renderer contains MMX optimization.
Motion Control System
One element of the Brick Engine that distinguishes it from its competitors in the free-software 2D game engine sphere is the unique Motion Control System. This is a domain-specific language that consists of a simple set of assembly-like instructions that allow the game developer to assign a certain degree of autonomy to in-game actors. The game developer can write a short motion control program that guides a sprite on a random walk, and then the develop only need call the "execute program" routine for that sprite to let the sprite move. When doing development in interpreted scripting languages, this feature allows for particle systems, environmental effects, and the like, even though the scripting language itself would be too slow to control more than a handful of sprites on-screen.
* SDL_image
* SDL_mixer
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