Brainerd Baptist Church

Brainerd Baptist Church is in Chattanooga, Tennessee. They have a second part to their church called the BX (Brainerd Crossroads) which on Sundays they have service with more newer songs. They watch Robby from a live feed from the main building. They have about 1011 at church each week. Tune into the local Chattanooga ABC News Channel 9 - WTVC) each Sunday at 11:00 AM. As of October 5, 2008 Robby Gallaty is the current senior pastor.

The church also currently runs Brainerd Baptist School.

The church was organized in 1928 by Claude E. Spraque, Jr. who was pastor from 1928 till his death in 1930. In 1942 a new 700-seat sanctuary was constructed costing $37,000. In 1953 a 125 seat balcony was added. This group formed a church and it began to grow. Throughout the years Brainerd has reached out to people, not only in this neighborhood, but people from all over this region. Over 80 years later, Brainerd continues to have a great impact on the community.
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