Bradford Jesus (also known as The Bradford Monk, the Aire Valley Monk or The Walking Man) is a real person called Geoff (or possibly Jeff) who has been seen walking the streets of Bradford, England since the late 1960s. (He is referred to in a poem in an anthology published in 1968) He is instantly recogniseable as he always wears a brown robe and sandals (whatever the weather). He has become something of a legend in the Bradford area due to the fact that numerous generations have witnessed this "walking man" and that his never-changing attire creates the illusion that he never ages. Indeed it is this very "robe and sandals" attire that contributes to the references to "Jesus" and "Monk" in the names by which he is known. A FaceBook Group has been set up in his honour and at the time of writing has over 23,000 members. There is currently a search underway to see whether he appears on Google Street View. In February 2008, C&J Clark awarded him £40 to buy new shoes. <references/>