Bob White (politician)

Robert White is an American politician of the Republican Party serving as chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida. He also has served as Chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Central East Florida (RLCCEF) and was the founder and a former Chairman of the Liberty Catalyst Fund (LCF), whose purpose is to “to educate voters on issues of liberty, freedom, constitutional integrity and limited government". He grew up in the Florida citrus industry and worked in the groves as a teenager. He made his official announcement to run on May 27, 2017 before the Republican Liberty Caucus' national convention, and in January 2018 claimed to have added 30,000 miles to his vehicle odometer since he started campaigning.
Political Positions
The Republican Liberty Caucus is part of the libertarian wing of the Republican party. Bob's positions reflect this, and Bob claims that "There’s a much too powerful political class in Florida... In Tallahassee, it’s their will be done, not yours. My campaign will be about changing that environment".
White believes that life begins at conception and believes state tax payer dollars should never be used in any way that facilitates abortion.
White claims that Obamacare "has been a disaster" but also that "its replacement by our friends in Washington isn’t looking much better". White has called for the president to repeal Obamacare and allow the free market to improve quality of care while bringing down prices. White's strategy involves seeking out new and innovative ways to provide care for the most vulnerable, rather than expanding systems he claims are already "substandard".
Criminal Justice Reform
White claims it is necessary to be "tough on crime" but also has accused Florida's government of spending millions of tax dollars keeping nonviolent offenders behind bars, while inadequately handling violent offenders. His argument is that "the state’s approach to criminal justice is costing too much without effectively reducing recidivism."
Bob's wife is a first-generation American, the child of two immigrant parents (from Mexico and the Philippines). He supports welcoming "with open arms all those that follow our laws in immigrating to America" but believes that Americans "should not provide sanctuary to those that do not."
White claims to believe in "preserving Florida’s beautiful natural woodlands and pristine beaches, along with lakes, springs and rivers", but says that "legislating by crises" is inefficient. He has called for better management of already-government-owned land and resources, and the restoration of existing rivers and other water bodies.
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