Ryan Murdough

Ryan J. Murdough is a white nationalist from New Hampshire who sought election, as a Republican candidate, for a seat representing the Eighth District of the Grafton County delegation to the New Hampshire House of Representatives.
Personal life
Murdough, 30, lives in Ashland, New Hampshire, where he works with children with special needs at a youth center. MSNBC ran an article about Murdough, which initially claimed that he was bald and had a swastika tattooed on the back of his head; the news outlet subsequently retracted this claim.
Political Activity
Murdough is state chairman of the American Third Position Party, a white nationalist political party led by Kevin MacDonald, James Edwards, and Bill Johnson. Murdough has written that the American Third Position Party stands "for the political interests of White Americans".
State Republican Party chairman John H. Sununu, an Arab-American, has stated that the Republican Party will not give any assistance to Murdough, whom Sununu described as a "despicable racist." Murdough has said that he does not need any help from the Republican Party, because the white nationalist community will give him donations and support.
The American Third Position Party posted a notice on its own website saying that "in the weeks and months to come, Murdough will be given every resource he needs to wage a political war in his very own District 8. Accordingly, the A3P calls on Nationalists the country over to come together in support of Murdough."
Murdough has expressed the view that the Republican Party has largely "sold white people out,"
He has also expressed the view that "Every group of people has been a victim at one point in time but no group of people has exploited their victimhood as much as Jews have."
Primary Result
Murdough polled 296 votes, or 11% of the vote in a result which the American Third Position party chairman, William Johnson, called “credible and encouraging.”
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