
BitcoinBandit is an arcade mobile game developed by Guillaume Pedrazzini, Sami Perrin, Christian Nogareda and Luca Celetta. Players control a rabbit avatar named Bandit that flies with a jetpack. The objective of the game is to collect a maximum number of coins while avoiding the enemies and the mountain. The game proposes a tournament mode in which the tokens collected are sent as Satoshis to the Bitcoin wallet of the player. BitcoinBandit was first released on Android on August 26 2016.
The game uses a simple, one-touch system to control the jetpack; when the player presses anywhere on the touchscreen, the character's jetpack rises. When the player lets go, the jetpack turns off, and Bandit falls. Because he is continually in motion, the player does not control his speed, simply his movement along the vertical axis.
The concept of the game is inspired by Bitcoin faucets. It dispenses rewards in the form of Satoshis, which is a hundredth of a millionth BTC. It differs in the sense that the game requires skills to collect the Satoshis. In the tournament mode, the best players are also paid additional gains each week.
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