Binford Tools

Binford Tools is a hardware and power tool company from the TV show '. Along with sponsoring lead character Tim Taylor's show-within-a-show Tool Time (Tim Taylor was played by Tim Allen), a common occurrence involved Tim showcasing an overpowered version of one of Binford's products (usually the Binford 6100), often leading to disaster. There was also a Binford toolbox displayed in the movie Toy Story, a nod to Home Improvement due to the fact that both were produced by Disney and star Tim Allen was the voice of Buzz Lightyear. There was also a Binford tool box seen on the Batman: The Animated Series episode "The Laughing Fish," and a Binford bumper sticker can be seen on a tool storage cabinet in Gone in Sixty Seconds.

The Binford name was inspired by John H. Binford from Van Nuys, California who attended Van Nuys High School with a writer of Home Improvement.

A line of real life Binford power tools were later marketed in some countries. And in the U.S. a popular tool manufacturer had a limited run of 'Binford' tools.

At the Disney-MGM Studios at Walt Disney World, trucks that move scenery props into place for the Lights, Motors, Action stunt show have Binford logos on the sides.

Towards the end of 2006 the international webhoster 1&1 added the X-Header "X-Binford: 6100 (more power)" to mails composed in their webmail interface and to mails leaving customer service.
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