Beyond The Hunter

Ultra Venators

The Ultra Venators is a fictional book set in the Year 2008 to 2012.
Ultra Venators is latin meaning: Beyond Hunters.The Author under the alias Nick Tharwn, started wrtiting the book during his first school term in the year 2008. The book is set during the War on terror.

The characters are based on real people, the names and adress mentioned in the book however are fictional.

Brief Outline.

Ever since the War on Terror started countless soldiers have been dispatched to the Middle East. The main Character Nick Tharwn and his best friend Jeffrey P Williams, are two soldiers dispatched there halfway during their schooling career.

There they fall under the command of a evil army General under the names of Yolanda. From there ten other soldiers (Nick and Jeffrey's friends)also arive. After a few months of fighting Yolanda continues with human experimentation on the twelve, after Nick refuses to shoot innocent Arabic bystanders.

After their succesful experimentation the become known as the Damned. However after a few days they start remembering their expirmental days. The Ultra Venators are created by Nick as a result of the Damned. The Ultra Venators have the twelve as their main leaders and council body.

The main aim of the Ultra Venators is to protect the innocent and prevent major world conflicts. As a peacekeeping army the do not kill mindlessly like they were told by Yolanda.

They take prisoners where they can and kill only if the situation calls for it.

Authors Idea

The author decided that instead of being racist to the other nations in the book, he decided that every country would be painted from a bias positioning neither country is better than the other and every country has it own flaws. Yet despite trying not to be racist the author decided instead of an all "white" army they are actually Multi-Cultural.

More information will be added as the book becomes closer to final release date.
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