The Battle of Sebiba is a battle that took place near the Tunisian town of Sebiba in 1065 AD between the tribes of Riah, Zughba, and Banu Sulaym on the one hand and the tribes of Zenata, Sanhaja, and Athbaj on the other hand The result of the battle was a victory for the Arab Tribes. Battle The battle ended with a crushing victory for the Arab tribes of Banu Riyah, Zaghba and Banu Sulaym against the Berber tribes of Zenata and Sanhaja, where 24 thousand Berbers were killed and the Arabs took all their weapons and money as spoils. Aftermath Al-Nasir ibn Alinas, Emir of Bani Hammad Castle, gathered forces to support Athbaj, and Al-Mu'izz ibn Ziri from the Maghrawa tribe and King of Fez came to join him with the Zenata. They took up their positions at Laribus and afterwards. They had an encounter with the wind and the dormouse in Sbiba. In this battle, Al-Mu'izz ibn Ziri abandoned his ally and surrendered, allegedly, to the inspiration of Tamim ibn Al-Mu'izz , Emir of Cairo. This betrayal led to the defeat of Ibn Alinas, who was forced to leave his treasures and camp in front of the Arabs and Zenata after he lost his brother Al-Qasim in the clash.