Maple Leaf (album)

Maple Leaf is the seventeenth studio album by Russian pop singer Valery Leontiev. It was released in 2003. The album was re-released in 2011 by World Media Alliance.
Track listing
# Maple Leaf (Evzirov V.- Denisov.N)
# Cheri (Evzirov V.- Denisov.N)
# (Garvarentz G.- Aznavour Ch.)
#Michele (Ukupnik, Dobronravov- Gegelsky O.)
#The Friends Are Loosing (Evzirov V.- Spalikov.G)
#Rose of Cairo (Breitburg.K- Sashin.S)
#Ancient People (Krutoy.I- Arkanov.A)
#Reel of Film (Muratov.R- Markevich. A)
#I'll Be Back (Talkov.I- Talkov.I)
#Tuner (Krutoy.I- Delia.L)
#Marilyn (Krutoy.I- Pelengre.V)
#Summer of Apples (Evzirov V.- Denisov.N)
#Sing, My Heart (Mison.A- Patrushev.S)
#Green Light (Pauls.R- Zinoviev.N)
#The Scene (Evzirov V.- Suleimenov.A)
# Bonus track: Video clip "Michele"
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