Aye Zindagi is a 2011 short film produced and directed by Aniruddh Mishra which casts Nikhil Okhade, Anshul Sharma, Utkarsh Puranik, Mazhar Pathan, Ashish Solanki and production was handled by Nishant Gaur. The movie was screened at "Reels and Lives" film festival on 30th November 2011, World AIDS day eve Plot The movie is narrated in 2 different timeline and alters between present and past. Movie revolves around character suffering with HIV "Vrijesh" played by Nikhil Okhade who lives with his friends in a flat. This flat is called "House of PLHIV"(PLHIV= people living with HIV) Cast *Nikhil Okhade as Vrijesh *Anshul Sharma as Vrijesh's cousin *Utkarsh Puranik as Rajat *Mazhar Pathan as Abeer *Ashish Solanki as Gaurav *Aniruddh Mishra as Reporter Critical reception Aye Zindagi was screened at "Reels and Lives" film festival on 30th November 2011 where it received a good response. Although the movie didn't win any position but was rewarded with consolation prize. Soundtrack The movie had original music created by Akhil Khadkodkar and Anshul Sharma. Background score was strong which made scenes and movie powerful. Production Nishant Gaur handled the production and was appreciated for handling in low-controlled budget. It was second short film produced by M-Innovators earlier one was "Are Yaaroo" based on India shut down which gained critical acclaim. Poster Poster designed by Anand Joshi bagged him and movie more praises Festival The movie was nominated in category of best film at Reels and Lives festival, organised by Aasthaparivaar, FHI360 and HEROES project. All movies were judged by celebrity judges Karan Johar, Shabana Azmi, Shyam Benegal and Onir. A montage of 14 best movies was shown which included "Aye Zindagi" at festival. Movies from film schools like FTII,Pune and Digital Academy won the contest with prize money of 70,000, 60,000 and 50,000 respectively