Cold Glass

Cold Glass is an upcoming 2009 independent horror film written by John Stevenson and Bill Ngo.
A man drives up to the mountains to have a vacation. After he is in the house he realizes he had forgotten something. When he turns around all of reality drops as he realizes in just a few seconds the house is snowed in. He is now in a isolated home in the mountains. Meanwhile a serial killer is on the loose in the area.
After Stevenson had watched John Carpenter's Halloween and a short film called "Curiosity" he decided that he would try and produce a low-budget film. He went to his friend Bill Ngo with a proposed idea. They started their first draft called "Night in the Mountains" but they changed the name to Cold Glass instead. The second and final draft was recently completed and is the official screenplay for the short film. John came up with an extremely low budget ranging at $100. Since they didn't need to pay for most of the things their short film required they agreed to keep their budget at $100 and not raise it. John figured to save money the actors wear their own clothes. Stevenson and Ngo are waiting for one more actor. The actors will get paid even though the budget is extremely scarce. The budget is basically going toward the musical score which they are getting a really good deal on. To save money John said the killer does not need a mask for the movie. They are going to film up in the Pocono Mountains for a couple of days. They are going to try and find a cabin and try to see if they can film their. The film is planned as a web-release but they are planning to release it Direct-To-DVD.
John and Bill got to writing. They got the basic idea down and wrote the story. Since the film was only going to be 7 minutes in length and none of the actors where going to talk the screenplay was easy to write. The screenplay is officially wrapped the film is in the pre-production status.
John and Bill planned to have only two cast members. One as the guy and one as the killer. John got somebody he knew to portray the character that gets snowed but they didn't get a killer yet.
CG uses
After they film was declared officially in the works, John thought maybe they could borrow CG effects software off of his friend and make the opening and ending credits using cool CG effects. They also want to use the software for the snow that will snow in the house.
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