
AutoIngest is an MXF file based ingest technology developed by NL Technology, LLC of North Andover, Massachusetts. The technology is available as a software application and is designed to bring MXF media content from various tape less recorders specifically into the Avid Technology editing environment. First introduced in 2007, AutoIngest is available as several product options, all designed to bring file based content into shared or local hard drive storage, freeing up the camera recording media for further use.
Supports ingest of file based media from Sony, Panasonic and Ikegami tapeless cameras.
* Hands free, completely automatic ingest
* Automatic clip renaming
* Pulls in all vendor metadata
* Does not require an editor to ingest (frees an edit bay)
* Automatically renames cryptic camera clip names to something more meaningful
* Attaches all vendor camera metadata to a clip
* Allows attaching of infinite number of static metadata attributes
* Automatically renames vendor metadata names with something site specific
* Attaches all shot locators to a clip
* Creates clip sequences at ingest time automatically
* Replaces low quality audio with high resolution uncompressed audio in proxy clips
* Allows reduction of audio tracks
* Fully integrated to shared editing environments
* Ingest multiple streams simultaneously
Software only product license can be purchased for less than US $5,000. Quantity discounts available. Cost savings begin as soon as it is used because time is saved and edit stations are not tied up importing media.
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