
In an attempt to find some biological explanations for accurate astrological predictions about human psychology, it is proposed that the term 'Astrobionomy' must be considered as a new stream of science to find out some bio-physico-chemical basis of such predictions.
Attribution of a particular psychological trait (s) to a particular sun sign O might be considered as a case to base such assumptions.
There has been some attempts to find scientific basis of astrology
Michel Gauquelin, wrote that he had found correlations between some planetary positions and certain human traits such as vocations . Gauquelin's most widely known concept is the Mars effect, which denotes a correlation between the planet Mars occupying certain positions in the sky more often at the birth of eminent sports champions than at the birth of ordinary people. A similar idea is explored by Richard Tarnas in his work Cosmos and Psyche, in which he examines correspondences between planetary alignments and historically significant events and individuals. Since its original publication in 1955, the Mars effect has been the subject of critical studies and skeptical publications which aim to refute it, and of studies in fringe journals used to support or expand the original ideas. Gauquelin's research has not received mainstream scientific notice.
Psychology of course has physiological basis which again in itself is a biochemical predisposition.Also, most modern astrologers base their predictions on astronomical considerations. Hence it could be assumed that there exists a link between astronomy, astrology & bio-physico-chemistry of the subject under consideration. It could be that astronomical despoistions may have some physico-chemical effect on the bio-molecules of a subject under consideration at the time of his birth (or even at the time of fertilization) and hence pre-dispose the subject to have a particular psychological trait as predicted by astrology.
There have been some serious attempts to link astrology and biochemistry.
Astrobionomy & Designer Babies
One of the most direct and obvious applications of such astrobionomical studies could be in the creation of designer babies where the parents of would be babies could specifically ask their doctors to carry out the in-vitro fertilization of their gametes on a particular date, time and place so as to predispose their babies to have a particular astrological traits.
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