Juli Lawrence

Juli Lawrence is a researcher, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) survivor, human rights activist and member of the US National Advisory Committee for the Center for Mental Health Services/Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. She has testified before the Missouri Senate and urged the state to begin keeping records of the use of ECT in Missouri.
Juli has a bachelor's degree in journalism, another in Russian language and literature, and a master's degree in cultural anthropology. Her articles have been published in the St. Louis Globe Democrat, Woman's Day and UPI. She lives in Suffolk County, New York, but previously lived in Belleville, Illinois, (she is a native of Southern Illinois).
Juli maintains a website which is a sort of clearinghouse for nonclinical information, journal articles, personal accounts and newspaper stories about ECT. About her own site, she has written:

"I am not affiliated with the Church of Scientology, nor am I anti-psychiatry. Individuals with political agendas and vested interests in the ECT industry continually make these claims, hoping to divert attention from the real issues. I have repeatedly battled attempts to shut this website down, threats of lawsuits, and hacking attempts, and my colleague and I have received more than 100 death threats combined, some suspiciously coming from the lines of rather prestigious universities.
It is my goal to continue to battle all attempts to shut down ect.org and to work towards reform in the industry, more inclusive and thorough ECT research, as well as battle the use of force against patients who do not want to have ECT."
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