Ask Katy

Ask Katy (pronounced "Katty") is the question-and-answer section of, the official website of the pop band Duran Duran. Questions are submitted and passed on to the band members, with their answers being posted to the site weekly.
The band's official website was launched in 1997, sporting advanced Flash technology. The band entrusted an employee to field questions sent via the internet and pass them along for a direct answer from a band member. The "Ask Katy" section was prominent from the beginning, and quickly became the most popular portion of the band’s website, which averages 15 million hits a month.
WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN? The Best of Duran Duran’s Ask Katy was culled from thousands of questions, selecting the best, the craziest and the most creative questions the dedicated and devoted fans of Duran Duran have sent in over the years, with thoughtful - and often funny - answers from band members Simon LeBon, Nick Rhodes, John Taylor and Roger Taylor.
The book is now available for purchase on the band's website at Store. The book can be found under the CORE RANGE category.
Video footage of band members interviewing Katy, and talking about the book, can be found on Readers can send questions to
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