APTItude Closer

APTItude Closer is a title insurance closing software package developed by the American Pioneer Title Insurance Company which was later acquired by Fidelity in a corporate acquisition. Prior to the acquisition APTItude Closer was provided to title agents primarily located in Florida as an incentive to use American Pioneer Title Insurance Company as an underwriter. After the acquisition support for APTItude Closer was taken over by SoftPro Corporation as title agents transitioned other comparable software packages.
Additional software released by American Pioneer Title Insurance Company
APTICentral - Online resource for generating policy jackets, insured closing letters and retrieving prior policies.
APTIrates - Used for calculating title insurance rates based on coverage amounts and endorsements added to the premium.
APTItude Searcher - Software used to verify a clear title of property ownership in preparation for a closing.
Closer Fusion - This software was created as a bridge between the APTItude Closer software package and agent specific online sites used to allow parties involved in a closing to check on the status of a closing they are involved in at any time day or night.
*In addition there are numerous proprietary software programs used in-house or by support that are not released to the general public.
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