
apt:foo is a new way to install Linux software on Debian based linux distributions.
apt:foo uses the apt-get package management system, but instead of using a classic GUI frontend such as Synaptic, or "add/remove", it is implemented as a browser extension for Firefox and apturl.

Software can simply be installed by clicking on an apt:foo hypertextlink in a webpage.
With apt:foo users are not dependant on a repository for their software needs but can browse the internet to find the needed software, and software vendors can put a "download and install" link right on their web-page.

At the moment apt:foo is experimental, and is only implemented on the OzOs Linux distribution. OzOs is built on Ubuntu and utilizes Enlightenment window manager.

apturl is a similar system, that lets you install packages using a apt:pkgname like syntax.

You can make it work with web browsers other than Firefox by entering "apt" in the protocol field and enter "apturl" in the "Open with other application" field.
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