
NOUN (Pronounced Am-bi-tu-ity) Frm. Latin AMBITIONE (bribery)

The idea of the knowing and willing subversion of the political or democratic processes of a state. Used in the context of bribery, corruption or false propaganda. Not related to ambition or ambiguous.

Also can be used a usual non-political context e.g: "to be done with great ambituity"...meaning, done with a desire to subvert the course of an action. (See ambitally)

or, "Ambituity prevailed"...meaning underhand tactics and skulduggery triumphed.

Words associated with ambituity:

Ambitution (Verb): the process of ambituity.

Ambitant (Noun) : a component or person that plays a role in the ambitution of a state.

Ambitally (Adverb): Done with a desire to subvert the course of an action. (Used in the place of done with ambituity.

Ambitute (Adjective): Very scheming and underhanded.
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