
Anti-centrism is a satirical political ideology created by the Canadian satirist and youtuber Jreg, opposing centrism. While Centrism is viewed as a neutral ideology with compromises, Anti-Centrism aims to combine all political extremes into a single ideology, rather than staying neutral. Some believe it averages out to centrism, which is a claim officially denied by the creator of the ideology. Anti-Centrism is most notable for holding multiple fundamentally incompatible views at the same time.
Philosopher and beginning
The philosopher of Anti-Centrism is Jreg (also known as Greg Guevara). He published a video on February 27th, 2019, explaining where he stands politically, in which he explained that he is an Anti-Centrist. He explained the 4 quadrants in the political compass, a tool often used by him to explain politics, and that centrists stand in the center of the chart, in an area known as the Overton Window. His theory creates a new kind of Overton Window, which only includes the outermost sides of the political compass, while excluding the center, thus his philosophy occupies all the extremes of the political spectrum simultaneously.
The largest community of this philosophy is the subreddit r/Jreg, which consists of Jreg's fan base. The creator of the ideology cites "The flag of radical centrism", which was posted on Reddit in 2019, as the, at least de facto, official flag of Anti-Centrism.
Centricide is a web series made by the creator of Anti-Centrism, where Jreg is representing and criticizing the political extremes through his use if irony. The series tells the story of personifications of extrem political ideologies banding together, to eliminate all centrists, which are also represented as anthropomorphic ideologies.
Anti-Centrism is a satirical ideology which supposedly believes in all the most extreme positions at the same time, even those opposite to etch other.<ref name=":0" /> Anti-Centrism is a satirical attempt at uniting all political extremists under the common goal of destroying centrism.
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