Anthony Wile

Anthony Wile (born September 30, 1968) is an author, political analyst, financial markets commentator, entrepreneur and founder of free-market oriented Internet sites The Daily Bell and Free-Market News Network.
Anthony Wile founded The Daily Bell, and previously the Free-Market News Network (FMNN). Under Wile's editorial oversight, The Daily Bell continues to offer daily news, analysis and editorials from a free-market economics perspective in addition to weekly interviews.
Third-Party Presidential Debates
In 2004 while running FMNN, Wile produced video-Internet news programs such as “This Week in Liberty with Harry Browne” and “Weekly World Report.” In that same year, Wile secured the exclusive Internet broadcast rights for the third-party debates for the presidency of the United States. More than 500,000 people logged on to view the debates, covered by the FMNN team of broadcasters including former two-time Libertarian candidate for US presidency Harry Browne.
In 2008, Wile founded a Swiss-based publishing firm — Appenzeller Business Press — and started publishing The Daily Bell. Wile serves as the publication's chief editor.
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