Andrew Conley

Andrew Conley born 1992 in Rising Sun, Ohio USA is an American convicted murderer who on November 28, 2009 strangled his 10-year old brother during a "for fun" wrestling match at their home. Conley later admitted that he had been dreaming about killing someone for the last eight years. On October 15, 2010 after pleading guilty at a earlier court date Conley was sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. Conley thereby becomes one of the youngest people to be sentenced to life imprisonment in America. Andrew Conley had been obsessed with the hit-show Dexter which protrays a serial killer. He had also wrapped up his younger brother's dead body in plastic just like Dexter in the show.
Reactions to the sentence
"He deserved life, and that's what he got," said Dearborn-Ohio County Prosecutor Aaron Negangard
The judge found that Conner's age at the time of his death "far outweighed" any arguments in favor of leniency. And, though he said he couldn't consider it as an aggravating factor under Indiana law, he dwelled on the "horrendous and personal nature of the killing."
“He is clearly mentally ill, and without treatment he’s going to be as much of a danger in prison as he would be outside. The prosecution is looking for the maximum sentence, which might not be in society’s best interest.” said Jody Madeira, who teaches at Indiana’s Maurer School of Law in Bloomington.
“He is very downcast, teary eyed. He is trying to keep a stiff upper lip.” said defense lawyer Gary Sorge,
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