Among the Dolls

Among the Dolls is a novel by William Sleator.
The book is about a young girl named Vicky, who desperately wants a bike for her birthday. She is disappointed when she gets a doll house instead, and she subsequently makes the 'family' of dolls more interesting to her by filling their 'lives' with dramatic and unpleasant situations. As her home situation worsens, Vicky vents by making her dolls treat each other cruelly and violently. She regrets her behavior when she is sucked into the doll house and discovers that the dolls are exactly as she portrayed them. She has created a terrifying prison for herself, having created a trio of twisted 'ladies' who want nothing more than to exact revenge on Vicky. Unless Vicky finds a way to escape from the nightmare she has created, she will be trapped in the doll house forever.
Vicky is probably named for the author's sister and also dedicated to her.
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