Operation Catch Them Young

Operation Catch Them Young is a 501(c) Non-Profit Organization. The organization was created in March, 2009. The organizations main office is located in New Brighton, Minnesota, USA.
The President of the organization, Oluwaseyi Olawore, and the Corporate Secretary, Novella Olawore, traveled to Ibadan, Nigeria and saw the condition of the schools and felt compelled to help. The organization has three main goals:
# To help existing schools expand and build and to provide access to furniture, science equipment, computers and clean drinking water.
# To create housing for homeless children and provide them access to education.
# To provide the youth with resources and access to financial aid for higher education.
The organization's first project is the complete renovation of a middle school in Ibadan, Nigeria. The organization has several other projects in line to assist schools in other states in Nigeria, Malawi and Zimbabwe.
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