Amalia Marquez

Amalia Marquez (April 4, 1955) was born Amalia Monserrate Marquez Marin in San Juan, Puerto Rico. After reading Carlos Castaneda's books she moved to California where she became part of his inner circle of close associates. Under the name of Talia Bey, she was made the president of Cleargreen Incorporated, a corporation that Castaneda created in 1995 to give workshops on Tensegrity movements. Shortly after Castaneda’s death in April 1998, she disappeared and has not been heard from since.
Life with Castaneda
When Marquez was still a young businesswoman, she moved from Puerto Rico to Los Angeles in order to follow Carlos Castaneda. She became one of his closest associates. The followers of Castaneda were encouraged to undergo the process of what he called "erasing personal history", which often involved cutting all ties to their families and taking on new names. Marquez began going by the name of Talia Bey. When Castaneda started giving workshops on Tensegrity, she became a workshop organizer. In 1995, when Castaneda founded Cleargreen Incorporated, Marquez, as Bey, was made both a corporate director and president of the corporation.
On April 27, 1998 Castaneda died of complications resulting from liver cancer. Shortly thereafter Marquez disappeared.
Castaneda’s death certificate states that he was cremated the day he died and the remains were given to Talia Bey. Among other bits of misinformation, the certificate also lists Bey as his niece.
Castaneda's will, executed three days before his death, leaves everything to an entity known as the Eagle's Trust. Deborah Drooz, Castaneda's lawyer and the executor of his estate, said that she has had no contact with Marquez. She added that she believes she is still alive.
Cleargreen reaction
Castaneda’s death was not reported to the public for two months and it was only after the news became public that a statement was added to the Cleargreen website about Castaneda. Cleargreen has offered no definitive statement about the whereabouts of its President.
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