Associates for International Research, Inc. (AIRINC), is a human resources consulting, data and technology firm dedicated to facilitating global mobility founded in 1954. AIRINC's primary focus is in expatriate compensation.

Currently AIRINC’s global mobility data offerings include: Cost-of-Living Allowances, Expatriate Rent and Utilities Guidelines, Statistical Income Tax, Hardship Evaluations, Automobile Capital and Operating Costs, Per Diems, Site Summaries, Education Reports, and One-Way Transfer Calculations. AIRINC offers many different global mobility tools via a web portal including; Balance Sheet Manager, Per Diem Calculator, Assignment Cost Estimator, International Housing Guide, International Tax Guide, Local Plus Calculator, Per Diem Calculator, and Permanent Transfer Calculator.

In addition to their data and tools offerings, AIRINC also provides comparative benchmarks and advisory services related to global mobility, talent retention, and compensation & benefits.

AIRINC has partnerships with many organizations, including Hay Group, Living Abroad, Runzheimer International, Miller & Cambridge, and Relocation International.

AIRINC is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, and has offices in London, Brussels, Amsterdam, Munich, and Hong Kong.
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