Advance HE

Advance HE is a not-for-profit organisation and sector agency, formed in March 2018 from the merger of the Equality Challenge Unit, the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education and the Higher Education Academy. It is significant as a national organisation in Britain whose work includes promoting gender representation and diversity in Higher Education through equality charters such as the Athena SWAN initiative, along with promoting excellence in teaching and leadership, offering awards for teaching excellence both nationally and internationally.
Advance HE is an umbrella organisation formed from three other agencies of national significance to UK Higher Education. The Higher Education Academy (HEA), a British professional institution promoting excellence in higher education, continues to operate as a professional membership scheme now run by Advance HE.
Advance HE is engaged in delivering the outcomes of the UK Government's international educational strategy.
History and formation
In 1997, the Dearing Report recommended the establishment of a professional body for lecturers, the Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, that would define standards and accredit training for university teaching.  In a further recommendation, the Dearing Report suggested that during their probationary periods, all new Lecturers should be required to achieve 'at least associate membership' of the new Institute.  
In January 2003, a committee established by HEFCE, Universities UK and the Standing Conference of Principals recommended the establishment of a single central body responsible for standards of teaching in higher education.  In response, the Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education was merged with the Learning and Teaching Support Network and the National Coordination Team for the Teaching Quality Enhancement Fund, becoming the Higher Education Academy.
The Leadership Foundation for Higher Education was established in 2004 by the UUK and SCOP (now known as Guild HE). It took over the function of the Higher Education Staff Development Agency (HESDA), based in Ingram House in Sheffield. It was incorporated as a company in October 2003, and registered as a charity in February 2004.
Advance HE was created from the merger of the Equality Challenge Unit, the Higher Education Academy and the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education in March 2018. It continues the work of the three agencies whose merger created it, and accordingly, to advance the professional practice of higher education to improve outcomes for the benefit of students, staff and society. Advance HE has been created to be “of and for the sector” and is jointly owned by GuildHE and Universities UK.
Equality charters
Advance HE encourages higher education institutions, research institutes and individuals to address inequality in Higher Education. Continuing the work begun by the Equality Challenge Unit, Advance HE developed the Athena SWAN Charter (Scientific Women's Academic Network) and a race equality charter.
Fellowships of the HEA and professional recognition
Advance HE continues to operate the professional recognition schemes formerly administered by the Higher Education Academy, for university teachers who have demonstrated that their teaching practices are well-aligned with the UK Professional Standards Framework.  This is intended both to encourage excellence in teaching and to provide academics with a portable qualification transferable between institutions.  There are four grades:
* AFHEA - Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
* FHEA - Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
* SFHEA - Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
* PFHEA - Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
The Associate Fellow grade represents the minimum level of competence expected of any university teacher, with the Fellow grade representing the level normally required in an established academic post. These grades can be awarded on the basis of an assessed portfolio (containing a candidate's statement and supporting references) or on completion of an accredited course such as a PGCHE or PGCAP.  The higher grades of Senior Fellow and Principal Fellow represent significant leadership in the promotion of teaching excellence, and are only awarded on the basis of an assessed portfolio.<ref name="hea_descriptors" />
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