Acumen learning

Acumen Learning, based in Orem, Utah, is a provider of training and development services for organizations. The company was formed 2002, as a result of a partnership between Kevin Cope, Stephen M.R. Covey, and Ram Charan. The company markets their Building Business Acumen course, modeled in part on the book, "What the CEO Wants You To Know" by Ram Charan. The company has done business with 13 of the Fortune 50 and has sales channels worldwide.
Acumen Learning was founded on December 1, 2002 by founders Kevin Cope and Stephen M.R. Covey. Mr. Cope being a former executive at Covey Leadership and Mr. Covey being the son of Stephen R. Covey the best selling author, business man, and Founder of Franklin Covey.
The company formed a royalty partnership with Ram Charan to model their training after principles found in his book, "What the CEO Wants You To Know". A two day training course was developed to teach business acumen, a term Ram Charan helped to define and champion. The course, Building Business Acumen, was targeted at corporate universities, Chief Learning Officers, and individuals involved in employee talent management.
In the next few years, Acumen Learning secured agreements with more than 10 of the Fortune 50 and experienced consistent growth. Including an engagement with GE who runs one of the most prestigious corporate universities and has promoted in-house learning facilities.
Competitors to Acumen Learning include BTS Group AB, Paradigm Learning, and DDI Worldwide. The use of the term business acumen has been popularized in recent years as evidenced by references in books and news publications. Whether this is due to the popularization of business acumen training in corporations is unclear.
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