4 Snaps

4 Snaps is a photo word game developed by Michael Arthur Sayman in his junior year of high school in 2013.
4 Snaps gives the player a choice of words, allows them to take four pictures based on the word they picked, and then send the pictures over to the opponent player to guess what the word is based on the pictures taken.
Michael Sayman got the idea from his sister who sent 4 pictures to her friend and asked her to guess what the word was based on the pictures. Michael decided to start working on that idea soon after. Following around five months of development Michael finally finished the app on the app store.<ref name=":2" />
148App's Lee Hamlet scored the game 4 out of 5, praising the party game factor and the challenge of trying to find multiple pictures for words that are difficult to visualize.<ref name=":0" />
Mike Beasley of also praised the game, noting that it plays well both as a head-to-head match or with a small group of friends.<ref name=":1" />
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