
Timemesh is a flash-based serious game designed to teach History and Geography concepts to secondary school students. The game was developed by a consortium of Universities, in the SELEAG project sponsored by the Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013 of the European Union. Timemesh is a point and click online adventure game that can be played collaboratively or as a single-user. Timemesh is free and can be used for entertainment or for educational purposes.
Game concept
The game concept is based on the idea that a past event or sequence of events somehow happened differently from what we know and changed the current reality. The player notices something is wrong with the current time period: books are in a different language, there are different political leaders, different countries, etc. This triggers the action for a scenario. Currently there are three different scenarios to be played: Industrial Revolution, Maritime Discoveries and the Second World War
Game scenarios
World War II Scenario
The idea of this scenario is based on the ENIGMA machine, used by Germany and the Axis to encrypt their messages. In reality, from 1941 the Allies were able to decrypt the German messages which gave them a huge advantage on the war evolution. In our story the German code was never decrypted because the Allies could not get an ENIGMA machine - as a consequence England was invaded because it was not possible to anticipate German's plans. The player must travel back in time, go to occupied Paris, the Warsaw guetto, the German Headquarters and Bletcheley Park in England, to find an ENIGMA machine, a codebook and deliver them to the British Intelligence Service.
Maritime History / Discoveries
The idea of this scenario is that the Island of Madeira was not colonized by Portugal. When the first navigators discovered the island they were attacked by pirates who stole the maps with its exact location in the Atlantic Ocean: As a result the island became a pirates/corsaries base. Throughout the centuries it evolved as a small independent nation which developed nuclear weapons to defend themselves. Unfortunately, they are now using it to threaten Europe. Players must travel back to the 15th century and make sure that the map with Madeira's location is brought back to King John, the first, in Lisbon.
Industrial Revolution
The Mines and Collieries Act 1842 was a fundamental step in the abolition of child labour, as it prevented boys under the age of ten and all females from working in the mines. In our scenario, the law was not approved by the English Parliament so there was no abolition of child labour. In our current time, small children are still working instead of studying. Player must go back in time and persuade English Parliamentaries to approve the Act.
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