2030 FIFA World Cup

The 2030 FIFA World Cup is the 24th edition of the FIFA World Cup. It also marks the 100 year mark since the 1930 FIFA World Cup. Many nations are said to try to qualify for the cup.
Cote d' Ivoire/Ghana
Some say that the 2 may bid to help with the stadiums- since both are quite small in soccer stadiums. Some have also said that Mali may join in the bid.
Some say Egypt will bid. By 2030, it is said that Egypt's population will reach 100 million.
To help increase peace in these war torn lands, these lands wish to bid together.
Ireland/Northern Ireland
Some say that the entire Emerald Isle could host the World Cup. It has also been said that Scotland and Wales could also host.
Wishing to cover their last place loss for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, wich went to Russia, they are willing to bid untill they get it.
No official plans have been made, but some say that Ukraine will bid untill they get it.
North America
Canada/United States
To help prove the peacfullness between these 2 lands, they would either bid together or chose one to officialy bid. Most would say that Canada would get it then, since the USA had hosted in 1994.
Some have speculated a Mexican bid for the cup.
Various Islands in the Carribean
Some say that Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, The Bahamas, and a few more isles may host the cup.
South America
The hosts 100 years before, they would like to stir up the soccer fever in Uruguay again.
Many say that Argentina will bid alone or with Uruguay.
Not many agree, but few say it will go through.
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