10 Miles High

"10 Miles High" is a Nine Inch Nails song, written by Trent Reznor with instrumentation by Reznor and Keith Hillebrandt. The song has never been played live by Nine Inch Nails.

It appears on:
* The vinyl version of The Fragile, but not the CD or cassette versions. A brief portion of it is included between "The Mark Has Been Made" and "Please" on the CD version, and it is the first song on the third record on the vinyl version.
* Part one of the three-part CD single We're in This Together, as a B-side along with another song that didn't make the CD or Cassette version of The Fragile: "The New Flesh".
* Things Falling Apart. Here, it appears in remixed form, but the only real difference is the lack of ambiance at the beginning, swapped left and right audio channels, and the replacement of a guitar loop from earlier in the song to the track's ending.
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