Zero to IPO

Zero-to-IPO is a book on entrepreneurship by David Smith. The book plots out the life of a high-tech startup in the context of a journey. The journey starts at Zero with the formation of a private company to commercialize a new technology or invention. This journey terminates when the company ceases to exist as a private, independent corporation - at IPO, Merger or Chapter 7 shutdown.
As the title suggests, the book plots out the route from Zero-to-IPO and identifies the milestones and stepping stones along the way. However, it points out that this route may be inappropriate for many startups today and identifies an alternative direct route from Zero-to-Acquisition. This route stimulates the reader to question some of the fundamental principles of business.
The book is endorsed by entrepreneurial leaders such as Timothy C. Draper and ASTECS, the Association of Technology Entrepreneurs, and is used in business schools all over the world.
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