
ZenTrack is an open source bug tracking system, with integrated project management and help desk solutions. It has a configurable user interface, with administration and internationalization. It works with different databases and platforms. ZenTrack is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
ZenTrack is no longer being actively developed, with the last version update made in 2010
ZenTrack's current features include:
User Interface
* A customizable UI
* The fields and names in each screen are customizable
* Keyboard shortcuts
* A compact design to maximize the viewable data
* Designed for simplicity
Workflow and Data Management
* Custom fields allow you to add your own fields
* Behaviors allow you to set up relationships between fields
* Approvals and testing can be enforced on a ticket by ticket basis
Workforce Management
* Track hours, time estimates, deadlines, and start dates
* Control employee access per feature and per screen
Contacts and Customers
* Maintain a list of organizations or people (customers) related to your tickets
* Maintain contract agreements and reference items for each contact
* Associate contacts with tickets for tracking, sorting and viewing
Accessibility and Monitoring
* E-mail interface
* Internationalization
* E-mail notices
* Reminders for overdue items
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