Zelda Classic

Zelda Classic is a free framework for designing and playing games in the style of Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda for the NES.
Originally designed from the ground up to be a perfect imitation of The Legend of Zelda
, Zelda Classic was first publicly released, for MS-DOS using the Allegro library, in June 2000
Included with this release was the Z-Quest editor, allowing users to reuse Legend of Zelda gameplay elements to create their own custom "quests," or games. The latest releases of Zelda Classic have been ported to Windows, Linux, and OS X
Zelda Classic's accompanying editor, Z-Quest, allows anyone to easily produce Zelda-style games
. Energized by publicity from TechTV's The Screen Savers, many new features have been added to Zelda Classic, including the ability to add new graphics, music, items, and enemies
. Because of this flexibility, some users have completely departed from Zelda, instead using the Zelda Classic framework to create games based on other 8-bit franchises, such as Metroid, Super Mario Brothers, and Megaman.
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