Yoko Hirose

Yoko Hirose, Ph.D, is an associate professor at Graduate School of Area and Culture Studies, the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Hirose received her Ph.D on Media and Governance from Keio University. She was among the first four recipients of a grant from the United Nations University in Japan.
Hirose has worked at Keio University in 2002-05. She conducted research in Azerbaijan as an Akino Memorial Fellow in 2000-01 and published the issues on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, politics, international relations and energy issues on the three countries in South Caucasus. She precedes research on these issues with comparative studies with other former communist countries.
Some publications
*"Aspects of Genocide in Azerbaijan", Comparative Genocide Studies, vol. 2, 2005/06, pp. 32-44
*"Visions for Mountainous Karabakh: From the Azerbaijanis and the Armenians", The Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict over Karabakh, 2007, ISBN 978 9952 8092 44, pp. 117-136
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