
Yasunize is a term of the new environmental geopolitics, used to describe a way of protecting sites of special ecological and cultural value. It is derived from the word "Yasuni", commonly taken to signify sacred territory, and in particular from the Yasuni-ITT proposal that would prevent oil exploitation in Yasuni National Park, located in the extreme eastern part of Ecuador. The Park is home to Tagaeri and Taromenane indigenous peoples, who are part of the Waorani nationality.
By extension, the term "yasunize" has been used to describe social demands for the protection of territories in various countries that are of special interest due to their natural and cultural diversity or riches, but are threatened by megaprojects or other activities with high environmental impact.
The word forms part of the vocabulary of a new civilizational paradigm that questions economic growth and dependence on oil and seeks to address the resulting climatic crisis. "Yasunize" implies the necessity of conserving nature and the means of community life as a point of departure toward change toward another world.
The source of this definition is:
Parque Nacional Yasuní
*Yasunize = Protect sacred land
*Yasunization = Protection of sacred land
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