
Yardsaledb is an English-language website that is meant to instantly give avid garage sale and yard sale goers a visual view of sales around their area. It is currently only for USA. The domain 'yardsaledb' is short for Yard Sale Database. The site was created over 3 years ago with Google Maps API and continues to use it today. The greatest difference between a traditional yard sale listings site and Yard Sale Database is the map itself. Rather than looking through the text listings and find out where the sales, the users of the website can instantly spot sales that are near by or too far from their homes.
The website was launched in June 2006 and since then infrequent updates have been made to better the site. The site was founded on the principles of being free, and the ability to post a sale without registration to quickly let people to post their yard sale. Similar to Craigslist the site does not need registration and users can choose not to let their contact information to be shown on the website. The site also features a FAQ and a section for Outrageous Yard Sale Stories
The site was featured on World Start as a Cool Site of the Day
The website has experienced very slow and cyclical growth. The cyclical growth can be attributed to the fact that during the colder months, majority of the people in USA do not have yard sales or garage sales. The slow growth can be attributed to the fact that yard sales are simply not something people are highly active participants of.
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