
Lord Xavius is perhaps the night elf most responsible for the Burning Legion's interest in Azeroth. It was Xavius who first became convinced that Sargeras, ruler of the Legion, was a god sent to deliver Azeroth. Xavius also convinced the night elven queen Azshara of the necessity of turning the will of her mages, the so-called "Highborne", towards creating a portal into the Twisting Nether through which Sargeras and the Legion could enter into the world. Xavius was a powerful user of magic and had long ago replaced his mortal eyes with imposing orbs of black with ruby streaks running through them. Xavius was successful enough in his endeavors to welcome several ranking members of the Legion into Azeroth before the intervention of the druid Malfurion Stormrage, including Hakkar the Houndmaster and several Felguard. Xavius was the mastermind behind a plot to block any non-highborne magic user from accessing the Well of Eternity in order to channel the extra energy gained into making the portal to the Twisting Nether strong enough for Sargeras to cross through. This plot was defeated by the young druid Malfurion Stormrage, who interrupted Xavius final incantations and destroyed him completely. However, his soul was captured by Sargeras, and Xavius was mercilessly tortured.

Weeks later, as the Highborne renewed their efforts to summon Sargeras, Lord Xavius would re-emerge in a far different form, a Satyr. As the first of these beings ever to inhabit Azeroth, Xavius is considered the progenitor of the entire Satyr race. Xavius' name or variations thereof are found frequently in Satyr settlements (e.i. Xavian in Ashenvale). As a Satyr, Xavius retained some resemblance to his former self along with the typical characteristics of all Satyrs. Xavius was unique, however, in that he retained the black and ruby eyes he had possessed as a night elf.

Xavius had a two-pronged mission when he returned. First he was to begin converting as many highborne as possible into Satyrs (The first was a personal friend of Xavius, a dedicated Highborne named Peroth'arn), a task he accomplished with zeal by promising the unfortunate elves power and a place at the right hand of Sargeras. The second objective Xavius was to complete upon his return was to bring about the death of the one who defeated him, Malfurion Stormrage. This second objective proved to be far more difficult and, in a confrontation during one of the most intense battles of the War of the Ancients, Malfurion, with help from a young Night Elf named Shandris Feathermoon, was able to completely defeat Xavius. Using an arrow shot by Shandris, Malfurion was able to transform Xavius into a tree, which was subsequently sent to the bottom of the sea in the Great Sundering. (The exact description of Xavius' fate in the novel The Demon Soul says "Xavius was not so much becoming a tree--rather, his body was providing Malfurion's creation with the nutrients and building blocks to make itself.") The victory came at a great cost, however, as during this confrontation Malfurion's love Tyrande Whisperwind (High Priestess of Elune) was captured by Xavius' remaining Satyr. In a furious rage, Malfurion almost drowned the entire night elven army in a storm caused by his own rage over the loss of Tyrande. Luckily Krasus intervened and stopped Malfurion.

World of Warcraft
One of the realms in World of Warcraft is named after Xavius.

* See: Realm Names and their place in Warcraft Lore
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