Shandris Feathermoon

In the fictional Warcraft universe, Shandris Feathermoon is the general of the Night Elf Sentinels.

Shandris Feathermoon, along with Tyrande Whisperwind and the other Sentinels, spent her life protecting the forests of Kalimdor from intruders and defilers. Shandris appears in the Night Elf campaign of Warcraft III, where she and Tyrande had begun to notice Humans and Orcs moving into the forests of Ashenvale. Suspecting that they were up to no good, Tyrande ordered her sentinels to pillage some of the intruders' bases.

In the second mission of the Night Elf campaign, Tyrande had noticed the demons taking over Ashenvale, and she had fled to a Night Elf encampment nearby, where she met Shandris.

After that, Shandris was not seen until the battle of Mount Hyjal. Shandris helped defend first the Human base, then the Horde's Base, and finally the Night Elf base, as each was overrun by the Burning Legion. Although Shandris does not appear in The Frozen Throne, she does appear in World of Warcraft as the commander of Feathermoon Stronghold in Feralas.

At the time of the Burning Legion's invasion of Azeroth, Shandris was only about 16 years old. During the retreat from Suramar, Shandris encountered Tyrande for the first time; awestruck by the Head Priestess of Elune, Shandris followed Tyrande everywhere after their initial meeting. Despite Shandris's relative youth, Tyrande did not have the heart to send her away, and Shandris was thus allowed to ride with the Priestesses of the Moon. Neither she nor Malfurion Stormrage were able to prevent Tyrande's capture by the satyr Xavius. She did, however, manage to shoot an arrow that struck Xavius in the shoulder, thus providing Malfurion the opportunity to literally turn Xavius into wood allowing the Night Elves to finally dispose of one of their most dangerous enemies. During this time, Shandris also seemed to have a romantic interest in Jarod Shadowsong, with the feelings reciprocated by Jarod to at least some extent. However, with Jarod's disappearance, it seems that the beginnings of a relationship between the two never was able to come to fruition.

Feathermoon is a US-based role-playing (RP) World of Warcraft server.
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