
Broad Definition
Wusion, or "Word Fusion", is a concept used by one of the lesser characters in the British TV Show; No Heroics.
It's simple to understand, and can make for an entertaining ice-breaker or drinking game, especially when after a while it works its way into the party's general conversation and sometimes spawns swear words or offencive slurs that aren't meant or taken seriously.
All you have to do is talk normally, but at the end of whatever statement or message you just conveyed, invent a word based on the last two words you just said and then state it with the same inflection of the words when you said them.
From the show
Except from the No Heroics
Timebomb: Powers are against pub rules.
Fusebox: ...prules.
Timebomb: What is this sh*t you're doing?
Fusebox: It's a nervous tic — word fusion... wusion.
Timebomb: It's f*cking annoying.
Fusebox: Sorry. Bad habit... babit.
For example, If I said;
"I'm heading to the shop, want anything?"
I could then add "Wanything?" (pronounced by putting the W infront of the "anything", and said as a question).
Other Examples
I think that's a great plan. Glan. (or Gan would also work)
Han shot first. Sirst.
Just gotta put this in the mailbox. Tailbox.
What's up with jimmy, doesn't he like all the Wusion we're busting out? Bout?
Further Defined
The Wusion rule itself is quite loose, and more built on the phoenetics of the words than actual numbers of letters, with the point being more comedic than literal. Mostly the Wuser (Wusion User) just adds a consenant to the start if the second word starts with a vowel, or replace the consenant from the second word with the first letter of the first one. In the case that the result would be something that's hard to say, you can make up your own rules or just use the previous word's starting letter if it suits. This is usually what you do when the second last word is a short operator, such as "is" "a" "and" "of" etc.
Sometimes it just doesn't work, which is usually hilarious anyway.
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