Would Not Come

"Would Not Come" is a song written by Alanis Morissette and Glen Ballard.
"Would Not Come" is the twelfth track from Morissette's 1998 worldwide second record Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie.
It is also on the "That I Would Be Good" single.
== Morissette about "Would Not Come" ==
"revelations based on what happened in the past three years (1995-1998) in particular. fame, money, "status"...constantly feeling that i had to look outside of myself to see who i was and to feel bliss. having to "achieve," run, grasp or "become" something other than what i was in order to be worthy/accepted. putting it down on paper made me realize the disservice i was doing to my true self and how transparent and unfulfilling it can be to put all my happiness in the hands of external brass rings..."
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