Heart of the House

"Heart of the House" is a song written and composed by Alanis Morissette.
The song can be found on Morissette's 1998 worldwide second record Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie.
An official live version can be found on Morissette's 2002 DVD Alanis Morissette: Live in the Navajo Nation.
According to Morissette, it was the first song written for the record. Although "Can't Not" was written a couple of years earlier, it wasn't originally planned to be on her second album.
She was in Toronto with a friend of hers, telling him she didn't want to do another record. He answered with, "OK, do you want to eat dinner?" His answer surprised her and put lowered her pressures to write. An hour later, she went to the piano and wrote the lyrics for "Heart of the House"
Song Theme
"Heart of the House" was inspired by her mother, Georgia Morissette.
== Morissette about "Heart of the House" ==
"my tribute to my mother and to femininity in general. i thought in order to function in what i saw as a patriarchal society i had to adopt masculine qualities in order to be treated with the respect i deserved. in doing so i was unwittingly being chauvinistic myself and further confirming the lack of integrating both the feminine and masculine qualities in all of us. upon finding the gray area i naturally wanted to honor my relationship with my mother and with femininity itself..."
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