Wizard staffing

Wizard staffing is a fun and easy drinking game to play with few rules and little equiptment it makes the perfect game for any occasion. While it can be played at anytime it is commonly played on "Wizard Staffing Wednesdays". Wizard Staffing Wednesdays is quickly becoming a popular holiday that wizard staffers world wide hope will be practiced as religiously as Thirsty Thursdays.


There are only two pieces of equipment necessary to wizard staff. The first is beer - in cans. The second is duct tape.


Wizard staffing is played by taping beer cans on top of each other as they are drank. The firstt beer is completely drank. Then the second beer - still unopened - is taped on the to the first. This process is continued until the wizard staffer reaches the desired staff height. The wizard staff can be used for several purposes after it is created. The participants can take their newly created wizard staff and fight each other swinging their staffs at each other until the wizard staff break. If the participants are too drunk to accuratly swing their wizard staffs at the competition, they may use thier wizard staff as a cane to ensure they safely reach the point at which they wish to pass out.


There are very few rules in wizard staffing. The rules that do exist are as follows:
1) No beer that is not completely drank by the wizard staffer may be added to the staff.
2) Beer must be taped on to the staff before being opened.
3) Beer must be COMPLETELY drank before taping on next beer.
4) No stealing wizard staffs and passing them off as your own.
5) No hitting in the head during wizard fighting.

Wizard Staffing Sportsmanship
- Not necessarily a rule, but more an obvious common courtesy, any bystander must help in the taping of a participating wizard staffer's beer can, even if the bystander is not actively participating in the game.
- While comparing lengths of wizard staffs is hard not to do, making fun of wizard staffers whose staff is smaller than yours is very much encouraged
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