
WiseCampus.com, originally named Isleptthroughclass.com, was a free college note sharing website, founded in September 2007 by University of Dayton student Ryan Sapp. The site allowed any college or university student to freely access a database of accumulated lecture notes. In addition to the site's free note sharing capability it also provided monetary rewards to students who post their own class notes.
This site was headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana leasing space in a warehouse from Access Garage Doors.
Note sharing
Any student who signs up to the website was granted full access to view all of the shared notes from any college or university in the United States. Members may also participate in uploading their own documents where they can receive incentives based upon the number of documents they submit. Upon submission notes are viewed and determined acceptable based on the clarity of the content.
Based on the activity of the user, members were able to earn points for their participation within the site. Ways to earn points include posting acceptable notes, starting blog threads, inviting friends, logging in and commenting on previously posted blog topics. Once enough points were acquired members were able to visit the sites giftcard catalog where they can purchase with their points a variety of online giftcards. According to WiseCampus.com, the earning potential for its members was unlimited; as long as members are submitting acceptable notes and actively participating, they were able to be rewarded an infinite number of times.
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